New Horizons at the Euroqualification Center.

Increasing opportunities for realization and sustainable integration into the labor market.

On the 29th March 2017, the Euroqualification Center started the implementation of Project No. BG05M9OP001-1.003-2432-C01 "New Horizons in the Euroqualification Center AD".

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Human Resources Development Operational Program 2014-2020 and co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

The total amount of the funding is BGN 141 451, of which BGN 120 233,35 were collected from the ESF and BGN 21 217,65 by national co-financing.

The main objective of the project "New Horizons in the Euroqualification Center AD" is to create an environment for sustainable employment of unemployed and inactive persons by opening and equipping 8 new jobs in the EQC AD in the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas and Ruse.

The specific objectives of the project proposal are:

  1. Ensure 12-month employment of 8 unemployed and / or inactive persons, mostly from vulnerable groups in the labor market, with at least 4 of them receiving a proposal for subsequent employment in the company;
  2. Equipment, furnishing and technical provision of 8 new jobs according to the needs for fulfillment of the employees' duties at each respective workplace;
  3. Raising the qualification of the employees by training the profession "Office Manager" and teaching skills in "Digital Competence".

The project aims at solving the problem of unemployed and inactive persons in creating a regulated employment – providing them with income, professional realization, security and protection at the workplace.

It is foreseen that at least 4 of the employees are representatives of specific categories, such as long-term unemployed and inactive persons and persons aged lower than 29 or over 54.

For young people, inclusion in the project is an opportunity for a professional start in the labor market. For persons over 54 it’s an opportunity for a new conversion. The long-term unemployed and inactive with their participation in the project will re-establish or acquire work habits, knowledge and skills to meet the demand in the labor market. At the same time, financial support for new jobs, their equipment and a one-year employment obtained under this project will support corporate goals for the development of the economic activity across a broad territorial scope.

The expected results from the implementation of the project are 8 newly equipped workplaces, provision of trainings and employment of 8 unemployed and / or inactive persons, of which 4 have specific needs for labor realization. The created prerequisites for the sustainable integration of the unemployed and inactive persons in working age into the labor marketwill also facilitate the development of the applicant company "EQC AD".

Through the project, the unemployed will be encouraged and motivated for work realization and they will be provided with conditions to access an active working life more easily, will acquire professional skills and competences, will develop their potential and will receive an adequate income for the occupation. At the same time, with the help of ESF financial support under the current procedure "New Workplace 2015" of the HRD OP, the "EQC AD" will increase its capacity by opening, technical and material provision of new jobs and increasing human capital in several regions of the country, which will contribute to the territorial expansion of its activities. The Center's intentions are that the results achieved have a sustainable character by preserving at least 50% of the new jobs for another 12 months. Employees with proven professional and labor potential will be able to continue working in the company after participating in the project.