Counseling and career guidance in five steps


Identifying the educational qualification, length of service, occupied positions and reasons for leaving the job. The relevance of experience, knowledge, skills and motivation to work as well as the specific characteristics of the job are determined.

Testing through the "Self-Awareness" Psychometric System 

Testing the candidate through the Self-Awareness System, presenting the results in the form of 3 reports with information about the candidate's personal potential.

Identifying personal talents

Analysis of the "Self-Awareness" test results. Finding a match between personal talents, the current situation on the labour market and the individual needs for realization in a specific area of the client.

Preparation for application

Examining job search and / or training channels as well as ways of applying and preparing for it; Discussing and preparing a CV, motivation letter, recommendations and other relevant application documents; Interview simulation.

Preparation of a career plan and inclusion in a database

Discussion of the career development guidelines together with the consultant and the preparation of an individual career plan. Adding the candidate's profile to the MACRO database.

Diagnosis of personal potential

An advantage for our clients is also the possibility to be included in the database of the International Academy for Career Development and Guidance, which further increases their chances of professional realization.

When purchasing the service, you also get the opportunity to join motivational trainings at preferential prices.